
It is always difficult to find quality products at the best price. Here at Whatitcostnow.com, we share our tested and market-researched products. We don’t share any false information, price, or deal of any product or service. We are transparent and loyal to our readers.

At Whatitcostnow, we always update the price of the product and check if you can find the best deal at your door. Our aim is to collect all the information so that you can easily make your buying decision smartly.

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Our Team Members


Hi, I’m Michael M. Hernandez Chief Editor at whatitcostnow, write about architecture, interior design, and other ways to better one’s house. After earning my bachelor’s degree in 20 years from The University of Minnesota, I worked in the home decor and lifestyle industries for digital publications. I have 15 years of expertise in writing material related to house construction, home improvement, and do-it-yourself projects.


Pablo Jones is an automobile expert of more than 25 years who is an active guy whose interest in automobiles began even before he started school, thanks to a remote-controlled Porsche and different LEGO sets. Since graduating from the University of Northwestern Ohio with degrees in automotive technology and automotive technology supervision, he has worked as a writer specializing in auto technology on a car website.


Hello, My name is Chris Milano. As a financial expert, activist, and writer, I am passionate about the world of finance. It gives me great pleasure to share my thoughts, tips, tricks, and guides in newspapers, journals, and blogs about business, education, and lifestyle. I’d appreciate it if you could stay in touch with my write-up. I hope that in your real life you will find something useful.

Brad Griffin


I’m Brad Griffin, and I cover sports and outdoors resources, guide and information for whatitcostnow.com. I’ve always had a soft spot for spending time in the great outdoors and having fun with pals. I was born with a love for sports and hope to pursue a career in the industry. I went to South Dakota State University to get more education in the field of Sports and Recreation Management. Having completed my undergraduate degree, I got the opportunity to work at ESPN The Magazine, where I was exposed to various sports.



I’m Genaro Greenwood who has been a professional construction manager for over 19 years in New York. When I hand on a project I always try to do it in the proper way, not a cheap or quick way. For this reason, I am continually in contact with my colleagues to get accurate and trustworthy information for home construction, road construction, and bridge construction. To me, it’s my responsibility to show them how to do things in the most productive and successful way possible. Right now I’m a dedicated writer for whatitcostnow.com.

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